is still cold! But I hear it will be warmer tomorrow, as if 21 degrees is "warm." But I'll take it! Also...this internet connection is shaky at best, thus the late report.

Also I have to tell you a story. I'm not one of those people that when I happen to run into important skating people (or skaters for that fact) go crazy and start talking to them, as for their autograph, or stare at them like a deer in headlights. I stay calm and I let them go about their business because I know they need their time to themselves...but inside I'm really like wow! Today I was having lunch at a little Cafe in downtown St. Paul and who should get in line behind me...Ken Congemi! That's right...Evan and Bebe's coach! While I didn't talk to him or even acknowledge to him that I knew who he was, I did observe what he was eating (that's weird and stalkerish, huh?) and I can report that he likes BLT's!

So the original dance...the big story here is that
Belbin and Agosto made boo boos. Tanith botched a twizzle and as they went into the reverse twizzle Ben put his foot down. The mistakes didn't cost them the lead, but it certainly put them on notice.
Davis and White who are in second actually beat Tanith and Ben in the technical mark and weren't far behind in the program components. Davis and White had a really great performance.
Navarro and Bommentre continue to hang onto third place. Their folk dance got a huge ovation from the crowd and they were able to put a little more space between themselves and
Samuelson and Bates who are in fourth. The Free Dance is Saturday.

The ladies....I don't even know where to begin! Let's start in 9th place...that's where
Alissa Czisny is...ouch! She struggled on every jump element. But it gets even more interesting, Caroline Zhang is in 7th! Her only flaw was a slight step out of her triple toe that was tacked on behind a triple flip. I'm not exactly sure where her deductions were?
Beatrisa Liang finds herself in 6th, she was unable to complete her lutz. In 5th is Katrina Hacker (I had to look her up to figure out who she is). She had less technical difficulty than the other competitors but she did it well. My guess that her less difficult repertoire will hang her out to dry in the free skate, but she made the final group. Kimberly Meissner sits 4th after she went down on her triple flip. The top three are quite a story, talk about a coup de tat! Rachel Flatt is in 3rd after a fantastic short program. She hit a beautiful triple lutz-triple toe combo, great spins, good speed, just really great skating.
Ashley Wagner is in second after an unbelievable short! She landed a triple lutz-triple loop combination and never looked back. But the biggest story is the leader!
Mirai Nagasu wowed everyone. She hit the triples, spun the spins, flew threw her footwork, and did it all with a smile. I'm looking at my poll to the right there and wondering what is going on! The back story is who will make the world team. Remember, Nigasu, Flatt, and Zhang are not old enough yet to compete. Saturday will be interesting...
Full results here.
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