I find myself wondering exactly what Emanuel Sandhu is up to these days. After basically bypassing last season to focus on acting, singing, and dancing; he is leaving his fans in a state of flux as to his plans this season.
He isn't scheduled to compete on the Grand Prix at all but stated last season that he would resume training in hopes to represent Canada in Vancouver in 2010. It would be pretty amazing for him to be there because he'd have more home crowd support than anyone, it's his home training base!
I don't know exactly how skaters qualify for Canadian Nationals and what he'd have to do to compete in that event, but I'm pretty sure he'd have to make a decision soon. I can't imagine him taking two years off and being ready to go for an Olympic run...not with the talent Canada is currently producing.
Emanuel, I hope to heck you decide to compete again. I can't imagine a better team in Vancouver than Sandhu, Chan, and Buttle. Hope to see you there!
On a related note, in his interview, Brian Boitano actually gives a shout-out to Sandhu's famous spin, saying that a bunch of skaters try to emulate it and that "There should be a rule -- if you can't do it as well as the inventor, don't do it at all!"
Here's the link for the Brian Boitano interview for all interested parties!
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