Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Shorts....

Greetings from Cleveland!

Okay, most of you have probably seen all the senior short programs or at least seen the results.

Some expected things...some HUGE surprises...some all out shocks! I won't comment on everything but as I head out to see the Dance, Pair, and Ladies Free's...some things I'm looking for:

Dance: The demise of Navarro and Bommentre. They haven't been sharp this season and it looks like Samuelson and Bates are passing them easily. Third place probably doesn't get them to World's this year (see Belbin and Agosto petition).

Pairs:! Can Denney and Barrett really hang with the big guns? Also, who wins out in the ridiculously close battle between McLaughlin and Brubaker and Inoue and Baldwin. Also, Yankowskas and Coughlin are hanging in there!

Ladies: Native Ohioan brings it in short...can Czisny keep it together for 4 more minutes? Britney who? Ouch for Liang and Wagner. I actually expect to see lots of place changes amongst the ladies...I can't foresee Wagner sticking around down there in 12!

I'll comment on the men later tonight when I return from the Arena. I'll also be posting Pics then. I'll be posting my personal reactions to the action via Twitter which you can see on the blog over there to the right!

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