An artless system devours figure skating's Stephane Lambiel

First came Canada's Jeffrey Buttle, 26, the reigning world champion, who apparently felt he could no longer match that achievement in a sport with a scoring system that makes it possible for a skater like him to win only if the more purely athletic skaters screw up.
Thursday, Switzerland's Stephane Lambiel, 23, winner of two world titles and the reigning Olympic silver medalist, said he no longer could overcome a nagging leg injury to skate at his highest level.
Unlike Buttle, Lambiel was able to do the quadruple jumps that are big point-getters in the scoring system implemented after the pairs skating imbroglio after the 2002 Olympics. But he had become painfully inconsistent on the other litmus test jump, the triple axel.
And he said in his retirement news conference that the demands of the new scoring system had led to injuries, which have become common as skaters are forced into doing all sorts of ligament-defying contortions to score more points.

Amaze th'unlearned, and make the learned smile
It takes a skilled eye, with some background in music and dance and theater, to judge artistry in skating, to see the athlete who can play a character or create a tableau or leave abstract expressions based on the music.
Accounting skills are all that is needed to judge a sport that has become paint-by-numbers.
Or watching paint dry.
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this sucks. I got ticket to this year's worlds and now I'm not going to see two figure skaters that I adore. Now it's down to Weir to carry the artistic flag. So sad.
It truly is a shame. I always enjoyed watching both of them, especially Lambiel...he always has a 'magic' on the ice that is all his own.
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