I don't even know what to make of the men's free skate...
I guess I'll start with Adam and Jeremy. Not their best by far. Both seemed...tired out there. I do love the fight that Jeremy had. Even though it wasn't going just jingles he was fighting to hang on to everything. Also, his quad is starting to look good (even though three judges gave it a -1 and another a +2 ???).
Oh Channy McChanner Pants...after he hit the second quad the deal was done. The last time I was at worlds was in 2009 and I had a little chuckle at remembering Chan and Joubert's little media spat over the quad and Chan saying it wasn't so important...now he completes two to Joubert's one at this competition...how things change. He had a couple errors but they didn't matter at all. Daisuke had another amazing performance to capture the silver. He was actually 3rd in the free skate, not certain how. I've had the pleasure of seeing Daisuke live three times this season and each time I thought he had the winning free skate...the points somehow don't add up though. I don't know which judges ass he needs to kiss to get some respect? Yuzuru Hanyu slipped in for bronze despite a strong skate from Joubert. Yuzuru was near perfect accept a freak fall that didn't disrupt any element. Joubert had the crowd in his hand with his 'Matrix' program. Solid jumps but he couldn't quite keep up with the others and finished 4th. He looked though, for the first time in a while, he enjoyed himself on the ice and I was genuinely happen for him.
I want to take a few sentences to talk about Alissa Czisny. After the third fall I literally began to weep for her. So much so the very nice women next to me felt it necessary to grab my hand and pat it for the next 5 minutes. That was tough to watch. I just wanted to give her a hug that never ended and remind her that she is such an amazing skater and that this moment doesn't define her. I watched sadly as the next skater took the ice and Alissa just sat in the Kiss and Cry with her face buried in her hands, Jason and Yuka doing everything they could to console her. The thing I want Alissa to know, is what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I recall in 2009 Carolina Kostner going to complete pieces in her free skate at Worlds...now she's the 2012 World Champion. I don't know what Alissa's future skating plans are but if she decides to continue, I hope this puts a fire in her belly something fierce. I hope she ditches the timid, fragile, delicate Alissa once and for all and becomes a determined competitor, not willing to let anything get in her way.
Speaking of not letting anything get in your way...how about Ashley Wagner! After Team USA had been dealt one blow after another at these Championships we needed a pick me up...she delivered. She got after that free skate with fire and passion. This season, with this 'Black Swan' free skate, Ashley has become my favorite female skater. Oh had it not been for that short program...the podium would look a little different! But I can't complain too much about the podium. Akiko was lovely as always. She is such a reliable competitor. Her choreography is always to die for and she sells sells sells. I'm even happy for Alena Leonova. While I'm more in love with her short, she did okay in the free too. She's looked like a new competitor this season. Not sure if she just got out of her head or something Nikolai has done...whatever it is, it worked. And Carolina...I mean, she could have phoned that in. Alena didn't make it hard and Akiko and Ashley from 5th and 8th looked not as menacing. Carolina did what she's done all season; skate consistently, earn lost of points outside of the jumps, and show superior component scores. It was the recipe for an easy win for her and I think deserved. Both her programs this season were lovely (although the body suit she wears in the free skate is awful!).
That's a wrap! Nice has been lovely! I have a few more thoughts I'll do in a separate blog post.
Your paragraph on Alissa got me crying. I didn't see her skate, but from watching past performances I agree she is an amazing skater. I too hope she comes roaring back next year.
I also thought Ashley Wagner was amazing.
So glad for your wrap up last week's skating! Thanks
I think Alissa has lovely moments on the ice, but she doesn't have a champion's mindset. Someone that fragile mentally should not be representing the U.S. on an international level.
Your paragraph on Alissa got me crying. I didn't see her skate, but from watching past performances I agree she is an amazing skater. I too hope she comes roaring back next year.
I also thought Ashley Wagner was amazing.
So glad for your wrap up last week's skating! Thanks
I think Alissa has lovely moments on the ice, but she doesn't have a champion's mindset. Someone that fragile mentally should not be representing the U.S. on an international level.
from viewing previous shows I recognize she is an awesome skater. I too wish she comes roaring returning next season.
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