Savchenko and Szolkowy are the overwhelming favorites. The reigning World Champions recently won the Nebelhorn Trophy and look to breeze past the competition in Everett.
If you look at how the teams were ranked behind the Germans at the 2008 World Championships, with all things being equal, the Canadian duo of Duhamel and Buntin (after a solid 6th place finish at Worlds)have the best shot at taking on the Germans. Next in line the Russians, Mukhortova and Trankov (7th at last years worlds). Not having a very good showing at last seasons World's (10th) was Inoue and Baldwin. But as we know, all things are never equal in figure skating. Messing up on side-by-side triples, landing a throw triple axel, or turning in an amazing short or long and everything could change!

When I put all of this into my prediction calculator, this is what I compute:
My Medal Call:
GOLD - Savchenko and Szolkowy
SILVER - McLaughlin and Brubaker
BRONZE - Mukhortova and Trankov
Since I'm most interested in the pairs event at Skate America this year, I can't resist to comment.
Good call overall, but I feel that third place is much more wide open. Whoever stays on their feet between Canadians Duhamel & Buton, Inoue & Baldwin, Yankowskis & Coughlin, and the Russians Mukhortova & Trankov.
It's so early in the season, I wouldn't put my money on Inoue & Baldwin. With the great improvements Yankowskis & Coughlin showed at Indy Challenge, I believe they'll place around 2nd/3rd/4th for one of their two programs but will finish off the podium.
I'm calling the Canadians for third place. :)
(And thank you for the good luck wishes on my blog).
So close...the Canadians were fourth!
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