Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A Tale...

I have been crazy busy at work these past couple of weeks...I mean crazy! You might have noticed my absence on this blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc. I have to open my appointment book to schedule in breathing let alone blogging.

I apologize for my lack of updates but I WILL be doing a post DWTS update but between me, you, and the fence post...I think Evan blew it last night. :-(

Anywho, the whole Gold Blogger Olympic thing got lots of my coworkers interested in my blog here. The local newspaper did a story and they posted my website address and instantly I had co-workers lurking around the blog (I know your there!).

I had scheduled a couple of moments to grab a bite to eat and I was in the cafeteria and a co-worker points at me...walks over to me and says, "Why no recent skating news?" I looked at her puzzled and she says "On your blog!" Note, this is the first conversation I have ever had with this particular employee.

In short, people are now on my case for not updating enough! Not even just skating fans, but coworkers too! So, I will try to schedule a few moments here and there to do a bit more blogging. Try being the important word.

The good part is I am far less busy during the skating season so if I was going to be overloaded with work, now is the time!

1 comment:

Ice Mom said...

I was wondering where you were, Aaron, but busy is sometimes a good problem to have!

Glad you're back...and breathing!