The worst thing about a blog is being able to share your thoughts and opinions with the world in a free and open forum where people can also share their thoughts and opinions.
It is downright funny to me how something as simple as blog comments can show the absolute best and worst in people all at the same time.
I've really thought hard about moderating the comments on this blog because sometimes they get out of control but I don't want to do that because I like the idea of people being able to share freely. I guess I'll just have to be the comment police...and that's sad.
It's okay to have an opinion...it's not okay to be a mean person and vile.
Sorry, had to get that off my chest.
GREAT picture, and great sentiments!
there are plenty of places online out there for people to spew their vitriol...clearly you and your blog does not harbor or encourage that.
good for you!
Aaron, you are one of the nicest people on the 'Net and I love that you have set an expectation of politeness on your blog and for your comments.
Thank you both for your kind words! :-)
I thought your rivaly match up was AMAZING. I don't think people know what kind of effort it takes to put a post like that together. I'm envious!
I find it interesting that the two of the most graceful, beautiful skaters today have the most heated rivalry and vitriolic fans. I keep thinking, hmmmm, remember it's Korea and Japan you're talking about.
And when it comes to the "Battle of the Brians" match up, perhaps I can persuade you in the show skater category. I was a wee, little chorus skater in the Nutcracker On Ice season that featured both Brians as the Prince. Boitano did the arena tour and Orser did the theater tour. Long story short, our chorus got to see both Brians skate together in Atlanta. All I will say is that Orser always ate and stayed with the rest of the cast. He demanded no special treatment. Very classy. Plus he was able to pull off a back flip and triple toe every night on postage-stamp-size ice. So I would give Orser the edge there. But, for anyone that knows me, you know I'm biased.
Keep up the great work, I can't wait to read your posts from Taipei!
Whenever and whoever puts Yuna and Mao in one sentence, we all know that there will be words flying around.
These is really one of the great information which you can share with us. I find it interesting that the two of the most graceful, beautiful skaters today have the most heated rivalry and vitriolic fans.
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