Friday, July 31, 2009

BREAKING NEWS: The decision...

Michelle Kwan has made her choice. School...not Vancouver.

I must openly admit a part of me is sad but I'm excited that she has so many great opportunities ahead of her.

U.S. Figure Skating released a statement that Michelle will pursue a Master's Degree from prestigious Fletcher Law School at Tufts University in International Affairs.

"Representing the United States as an American Public Diplomacy Envoy the past three years has been very rewarding, and I want to do more. Furthering my education will bring me closer to that goal, and I don't want to wait any longer to continue the journey," Kwan said in the press release.

It was highly speculated that U.S. Figure Skating was holding on to a spot for her at Skate America would she had decided to return.

"Skating will always be a part of me," Michelle said in the statement. "But, in the bigger picture of my life, I have always wanted to find a career that will allow me to make a positive contribution and difference in the world."

She does plan to still skate in shows, commentate, and work as a spokesperson as time permits. She is still planning on skating in Korea in Kim Yu-Na's Ice Show.

Thus decides the most eagerly anticipated comeback decision.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Pic of the Week

Figure skaters are a charitable bunch!

While I can't speak for many skaters around the world (and I'm aware many of them are active in charitable work as well...yay!), I do know American Skaters are often doing their part to give back. Ronald McDonald House, Susan G. Komen, Muscular Dystrophy, Make a Wish Foundation, Cleveland Clinic, Skating in Harlem...I could keep going!

This past week, Ashley Wagner made all of her followers on Twitter aware of Love Our Children USA, and organization she is very supportive of. I checked out the site and it is an amazing organization; I can't help but applaud any organization that's looking out for children's best interests.

Their mission statement:

Love Our Children USA works to eliminate behaviors that keep children from reaching their potential. It redefines parenting and creates kid success by promoting prevention strategies and positive changes in parenting and family attitudes and behaviors through public education. Love Our Children USA honors and respects children and works to empower and support children, teens, parents and families through information, resources, advocacy, and online youth mentoring. Its goal is to keep children safe and strengthen families -- Its message is positive ... one of prevention, empowerment and hope.

Big thanks to Ashley Wagner for bringing the important work of this organization to our attention! Besides being awesome athletes, it's nice to be reminded that they are awesome people as well.

Want to hear more from Ashley, follow her on Twitter @AshWagner2010. And speaking of about one of Ashley's awesome performances from this past season.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Op-Ed: The Comeback

This Olympic turn has had one of the biggest comeback swings since like 1994. And even then, it was only because the ISU felt generous enough to allow pros to comeback because they stuck in an extra Winter Olympics to begin alternating them between Summer and Winter.

First it was Sasha, then Plushenko followed quickly by Shen and Zhao. Now it's Lambiel.

We're still holding on the line for Kwan...

I for one also think Buttle should consider...but I digress.

And more so than the fact that lots of skaters have decided to 'give it another go,' they're all previous Olympic 'the cream of the crop!'

Many have expressed their feelings that they believe these skaters have had their turn...their 'shot,' and now it's time for them to step aside and let the skaters who've been working at this for the last four years have their 'time to shine.'

A part of me feels that way. I think it's the part of me that doesn't want to see, for example, a devastated Caroline Zhang finishing third at Nationals and missing the Olympic Team to a skater that's been twice before, such as Cohen. The thought of someone missing out on their dream kind of breaks my heart.

However, a much larger part of me, thinks that figure skating is sport, and to be the best you have to compete against the best. I tend to think that having these guys comeback will make those who are currently competing up their ante. And if the comeback class of 2010 is fit and ready to compete, why shouldn't they go to the Olympics? Isn't the Olympics supposed to be the very best...the pinnacle of sport?

So I say, if they want to comeback...comeback! If you can be physically ready to compete with the best...bring it (sorry...I couldn't resist)! I for one can't wait to see the clash between today's champs and yesterday's biggest stars.

May the best one win!

Monday, July 27, 2009

The Virtual Skate Off

There is a competition taking place on Sunday...but it's not in any particular location.

ProSkaters is doing something quite unique. They're hosting a Virtual Skate Off...that's right, this competition is taking place online. I thought an interesting way to get around the expense of putting on a competition.

Jason Graetz, a board member with the Professional Figure Skaters Co-Operative contacted me about this unique competition. Never heard of ProSkaters before...they're a non-profit organization dedicated to educating professional figure skaters and building a bridge between ice show producers and skaters in the entertainment industry.

They're taking submissions for "LIFE'S BEST PROFESSIONAL PERFORMANCE" right now (today is actually the submission deadline...if you have a video, GET IT IN!), a panel of judges will review the performances this Sunday at their annual meeting in Sun Valley, Idaho, and a winner will be chosen in each of the five categories (click on each category to see the submitted videos):

Men's Singles
Women's Singles
Show Act
Production Number Ensemble Choreography

ProSkaters is planning another competition in the fall (on a global scale) so skaters can create brand new programs for entry. Jason also pointed out "it's great for the producers and skating fans to be able to see more talent from everywhere!"

Saturday, July 25, 2009

BREAKING NEWS: Plushenko knew...

I finally made it home last night! Flying into O'Hare in Chicago was a harrowing experience...I've never flown directly through a progress! Kudos to the Pilot of American Airlines Flight 843 from Miami to Chicago...well done!

But enough about scary flights, what about the big news that just came out today from Zürich! When Evgeny Plushenko announced his comeback, he stated he thought Lambiel would do the same. Seemed a bit random at the time.

Well, it's official. Stéphane Lambiel intends to compete in Vancouver. In an official press release, Lambiel states, "I would like to qualify for the 2010 Olympic Games and achieve a top score in Vancouver." The release also states his abductor injury hasn't gone away, but physical therapy has made the pain manageable.

He'll train twice a week with Peter Grütter (in the news recently as Kostner's former coach) in Geneva and the rest of the time on his own at home in Lausanne under the care of his physical therapist.

But, there's a catch here. Jamal Othman, Switzerland's top mens skater in Lambiel's absence this season didn't perform so hot in competition. Compounding the problem, Othman failed to reach the free skate at the World Championships in Los Angeles. What does that mean? Switzerland didn't qualify an Olympic berth in Vancouver for the men's event. *GASP*

But, not all is simply means Stéphane has to do a few things. First he'll have to place in the top six at Nebelhorn Trophy. He'll have to get at least 195 points in two competitions (one will hopefully be Nebelhorn) to prove he's competitive. Likely, he'll need to compete at the European Championships in Estonia to seal the deal. At that point, the IOC can give Switzerland one of the provisional allotments.

Busy season for Lambiel ahead. I wish him luck and most of all I hope he can remain healthy enough through all of this.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Bon Voyage

Sadly, I won't be posting for the next week. Seems I've managed to book passage aboard a Carnival Cruise Line (and the Internet charges aboard a cruise ship are steep).

While I love getting away, I get anxious when I'm disconnected from the skating world.

I look forward to logging back in and getting the scoop.

Bon Voyage,


Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Globe Trot

Let's start this week with news from Canada. Patrick Chan is a busy guy these days...he's currently competing at the Liberty Open in Ashton, Pennsylvania. I'd bet he's the odds on favorite to win there. Patrick is also featured in a 2010 Olympics Cheerios Commercial. Busy times for the World Silver Medalist. Need your morning Cup o' Joe? Perhaps Craig Buntin can help. Besides being one of Canada's top Pair skaters, he's attempting to get his company, Teabean Coffee, up and running. And CTV is reporting that Todd Eldredge has a look-a-like, Canadian Ice Dancer Wendell McGrath.

In Germany, Munich has thrown it's name into the ring as a possible candidate city for the 2018 Olympics. Heading the organizing board is two-time Olympic Champion Katarina Witt.

In Russia, while President Obama was in Moscow meeting with President Medvedev and Prime Minister Putin, a bevy of politicians touted requests of President including the head of the Russian Skating Federation, Valentin Piseev. His request, he wants President Obama to send all the Russian coaches and Russian Figure Skaters working/training here in the U.S. back to Russia. Really, that's your request?

Lots going on here in the U.S. What Would Brian Boitano Cook? You'll find out this fall when his show of the same name premiers on the Food Network. The reviews keep coming in for Johnny Weir's Pop Star on Ice. You can read Jumping Clapping Man's and Jenny Kirk's. Speaking of Jenny Kirk, she recently wrote of the decision skaters have to make between training and sacrificing a regular school education. Finally, one reason the IOC might be squawking so loudly about Comcast and the USOC's joint Olympic Network Who knew that NBC's Olympic Television Rights are such a cash cow for the IOC and understandably wouldn't want the USOC dipping into what NBC shows.

Quick blurb from China, Lu Chen and Denis Petrov welcome baby number two into the world...congrats! (I think I shall tout this as the Baby Skate many skaters having babies!)

From all around the world, skaters are revealing their music choices for next season. There is really too many to keep tabs on here but check the blogs and Twitter for all the most up-to-date announcements. Speaking of Twitter, my latest follows: Brandon Mroz, Michael Weiss, and Patrick Chan.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Pic of the Week

Charlie Tweeted this out to the Internet so I assume it's fair pun intended. If not...well I speak well of you so I'm just going with "It's okay."

But seriously, it's a great pic of Charlie and it gives me an opprotunity to expound upon all of you my love of Meryl Davis and Charlie White. Fact of the day...I've met Meryl's mom and Charlie's joke.

I was totally "that guy" at the Four Continents Cup in Vancouver when their placement went up after their free dance and they had actually won. There was this huge sigh of dissapointment over the crowd (obviously they wanted Canadians Virtue and Moir to win) with me jumping up and down screaming "YES!" I felt that crowds pain when, at the World Championships, the complete opposite happened and Meryl and Charlie had to settle for the podium. The guy in the stands was cheering loudly at that result and I felt like saying, "'re in the Staples the U.S." I didn't.

They totally had a breaththrough season and I think they must be considered contenders for an Olympic Medal. Hell, for that fact, I think they will challenge Belbin and Agosto at National's in defense of their National Title.

Charlie...have your fun on the Links while you season will be the toughest you've ever experienced.

While I'm thinking about it...let's rewind back to that glorious night in Vancouver...shall we.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The REAL Top 10 Most Thrilling Skaters

I totally reject Sport Illustrated's list of thrilling skaters. I believe they actual should have consulted some knowledgeable people on the sport (read: US!!!!). Therefore, I've created my own, I believe superior, list as to who Figure Skating's Top 10 Most Thrilling are. I'll let all of you be the judge if this list indeed improves upon SI's.

10. Surya Bonaly - This nine time French National Champ, 5 time European Champ, and 3 time World Silver Medalist was always thrilling. Her jumping ability was formidable, often times attempting a quad salchow in her programs. Bonaly was also known to skate off the cuff, delivering different choreography almost every time she performed a program. She ‘thrilled’ audiences when, knowing she was out of medal contention, threw in an illegal back flip during her 1998 Olympic free skate (a trick she often landed on one foot!).

9. Brasseur and Eisler – This Canadian duo is known for ‘thrilling’ audiences with their high flying tricks on the ice. Every time the team won a Gold Medal, Lloyd Eisler got a new tattoo. The 1993 World Champions entered the 1994 Olympics after Isabelle cracked a rib. Despite the injury, they skated to a Bronze Medal. Isabel Brasseur re-injured her rib just prior to the World Figure Skating Championships that year and they still won the Silver. Lloyd is known for being very outspoken and went through a messy, well publicized divorce after having an affair with actress Kristy Swanson.

8. Toller Cranston - This 6-Time Canadian Champ broke the rules for men’s skating. When men’s skaters were rigid and controlled, Cranston let loose and was wildly artistic. Easily one of the biggest entertainers figure skating has ever seen, Toller Cranston is also known for speaking his mind rather anyone wants to hear it or not. His lack of skill in compulsory figures kept him from ever winning a World or Olympic Title (despite winning the free skate on multiple occasions), never the less one of figure skating’s biggest ‘thrillers.’

7. Kim Yu-Na – The sheer presence of Kim Yu-Na in an ice arena is ‘thrilling.’ Rarely has the sport seen a skater that can mesmerize an audience with astounding beauty and grace while pulling off a dizzying amount of triple jumps. With each jump she lands the audience gasps in awe and the room is absolutely electric when she’s on the ice.

6. Shen and Zhao – The first Chinese Pair Team to achieve international success, Shen and Zhao are possibly the most dynamic team to ever hit the ice. When Hongbo Zhao launches Xue Shen into the air, audiences are ‘thrilled’ by the height and distance she achieves and even more stunned when she lands the jump perfectly. The team’s individual jumps, lifts, and artistry are equally impressive. The team had, arguably, their greatest performance at the 2003 World Figure Skating Championships despite the fact that Xue had a sprained right ankle (yep…the one she lands on!).

5. Mao Asada – Mao Asada makes a Triple Axel look easy! The Japanese skating superstar who in every competition she enters is, at least, the co-favorite to win. This past season Mao Asada was on a mission to ‘thrill’ audiences and put two triple axels in her free skate, a feat she nearly completed (pesky jump downgrades did her in). Despite the occasional failure of the jump, she’s completed more triple axels in competition since she began competing as senior than all the previous successful attempts by women combined!

4. Jozef Sabovcik – They call him Jumpin’ Joe, Jozef Sabovcik was the six time Czech Champion, 1984 Olympic Bronze Medalist and is considered by many to be the first person to land a quad toe in competition. As a professional skater he continued to ‘thrill’ audiences with huge triple jumps and programs set to big rock ballads. His favorite programs were set to ‘The Boss,’ Bruce Springsteen.

3. Denise Biellmann – As I stated before, Denise Biellmann invented ‘thrilling’ for female skaters. The 1980 World Champ is the first female skater credited with landing a triple lutz in competition. While she was only 4th at the 1980 Olympics, she did win the free skate at that competition. Denise is also credited with popularizing the back breaking spin now named after her, The Biellmann Spin. Denise enjoyed a very successful skating career, remaining incredibly fit and performing triple jumps long after many of her contemporaries had stopped doing so. Denise is often found skating to beat pounding techno music that gets the crowd very excited.

2. Phillipe Candeloro – The Godfather, Napoleon, D’Artagnan…he’s been many characters. The four time French Champion and two time Olympic Bronze Medalist was always interesting to watch. His jump technique stunk but he was ‘thrilling’ to watch because he often times managed to pull of performances that were just amazing. His 1994 Olympic Free Skate to ‘The Godfather’ remains one of the most memorable in skating history. Candeloro, during his professional career, continued his style of adopting characters. He’s been, among others, John Travolta, Tarzan, and Bravehart. Candeloro is also known for shedding clothes during his performances.

1. Elvis Stojko – Stojko reinvented ‘thrilling’ in figure skating when he made quad jumps mainstays in figure skating during the 90s. He up’d the ante when he completed two quad jumps in his free skate at the 1997 World Figure Skating Championships in Lausanne, Switzerland. Apart from his ability to do the quad, Stojko was also incredibly consistent on all the other triple jumps, leading him to a bevy of gold medals throughout his career. He had a signature style that often got him trouble with the judges who didn’t find him artistic enough, notably at the 1994 Olympics where he narrowly missed a Gold Medal to Alexei Urmanov. Ironically, at the 1998 Olympics, Stojko again had to settle for Silver because he didn’t complete a quad while Ilia Kulik did.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Evolution of a Skater: Alexei Yagudin

Was just popping around YouTube and was watching some old Yagudin programs. He changed so much over time. Take a look:

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Op-Ed: How Dangerous are the Russians

Jumping Clapping Man has inspired a blog post

Also, I’m trying out the Windows Live Writer interface to see if I like it.

But back to the Russians.  It’s Pairs skaters I’m talking about and we all know of their storied domination of Olympic competition.  Since 1964 in Innsbruck when the Protopopov’s won, the Russians have killed it going on an amazing 12 Olympic Games winning spree (yes…we still count 2002)!

However, it would appear that the tides are changing, and any betting person would put their good money on the Chinese or German's in Vancouver.

But, somehow, Russians always seem to get to the top of the podium at the Olympics (a little shady in 2002…but still there), fate just falls their way.  In 1997 if you had told me Kazakova and Dmitriev and their compatriots Berezhnaya and Sikharulidze would go 1-2 in Nagano I would have said…not a chance.  That four years later Berezhnaya and Sikharulidze managed to share a Gold Medal…a miracle.  The first time I saw Totmianina and Marinin in Olympic competition (2002), I thought them awkward and uninteresting…four years later I thought them well worthy of their Olympic Gold.

So I say fear the Russians in 2010 and do not count them out under any circumstances!  As per usual, there will be three, no doubt talented, teams to contend with in Vancouver.  Russian teams often have roles (not actually...just seems that way)at the Olympics and this is how I see it playing out…

There is always the team that is good, has had some success in International Competition, but don’t seem to have  the best Olympics.  In the past this role has been played by such skaters as Eltsova and Bushkov, Obertas and Slavnov, Petrova and Tikhonov…you know the type.  This I think will be Mukhortova and Trankov.  Wildly talented but I feel unprepared for the realities and pressures that Olympic competition will bring.

There’s often the young ones that have little experience that we barely, if at all, know.  This team will definitely be around but who knows who it will be?  Ozerova and Enbert?  Iliushechkina and Maisuradze?  Martiusheva and Rogonov?  Sheremetieva and Kuznetsov?  Rest assured one (or more) of these teams will burst on the scene next season and make the Olympic Team.  The young team often surprises all and has a much better result th an expected at the Olympics…think Berezhnaya and Sikharulidze in  1998.

Then there is ‘the’ team.  Maybe we didn’t expect them to do so good…but they do.  And I have a feeling this may turn out to be Kavaguti and Smirnov.  Also on their side is their coach, Tamara Moskvina who has a knack at turning out Olympic Champions.  Her teams seam to come alive on Olympic ice and I have a hunch this team will do the same.

Disclaimer: Of course I could be wrong about all of this!  Just using past history as a gauge of what may come.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Top 10 Most Thrilling

Sports Illustrated just put out a list of the Top 10 Most Thrilling Figure Skaters. The skaters are ranked as follows:

10. Sasha Cohen
9. Duchesnay and Duchesnay
8. Scott Hamilton
7. Torvill and Dean
6. Michelle Kwan
5. Katarina Witt
4. Gordeyeva and Grinkov
3. Gillis Grafström
2. Dick Button
1. Sonja Henie

I think I have a different definition of the word thrilling...some of these skaters don't come close to my definition. Some skaters I felt left off the list...

  • Jozef Sabovcik - They didn't call him Jumpin' Joe for nothing.

  • Urbanski and Marvel - One of the most athletic Pairs teams ever.

  • Shen and Zhao - Speaking of Pairs teams...some of the biggest throws ever.

  • Denise Bielman - I'm fairly certain she created thrilling for ladies skating.

Anywho, you can weigh in here or in the comments below. Who's on your thrilling list?

The Globe Trot

Some interesting things happening in the world of figure skating.

First to Korea where it appears Kim Yu-Na invited Michelle Kwan to skate in the All-Stars 2009 Tour...and Michelle said yes! "Michelle has turned down other invitations, but she and Yu-na have a mutual admiration society going. Michelle is feeling healthy and has her abilities up to the standards she sets for herself, which are very high standards" said Shep Goldberg, Michelle's agent. Might Michelle drop a return-to-skating bomb in skating crazy Korea...stay tuned.

Lots happening here in the U.S. First, Carolina Kostner will be staying in L.A. and training with Frank Carroll and Christa Fassi. The moves comes after a disastrous showing at Worlds (ironically) in L.A. and the dismissal of her former coach Michael Huth. The big news is of course the tragic arrest of Nicole Bobek on charges to distribute Meth. She's plead not guilty and has been released on $200,000 bond. Jenny Kirk is getting positive press for releasing details of her eating disorder while she was competing. An important issue, to be sure, that needs more attention. The USOC and Comcast have teamed up to bring forth a new network devoted to Olympic coverage. Sorry if you don't have Comcast. Finally, reigning World Champ Evan Lysacek will be part of the marketing campaign for Ralph Lauren's 2010 Olympic Gear. "Having worn Ralph Lauren clothing for years, I am really excited to partner with Polo Ralph Lauren for their Olympic campaign," said Evan.

The German magazine Pirouette recently did an interview with Stéphane Lambiel and he just will not close the door on a possible competitive return, however, he states that it's not on his top list of priorities. "It is not 100% out of question but it is not my plan yet. I don’t want to disappoint the fans. For me it’s important that I’ve ended my career and I am happy with that, what I have achieved. If something will change on with physical conditions, then I will think about it.”

Who am I following on Twitter? There's an extensive list over on my right side bar but new to my followings are Madison Hubbell, Daisuke Murakami, and Fedor Andreev.

You may have noticed I changed the name of the spot from Around the World to The Globe Trot...thanks to my readers for the feedback and suggestion.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Pic of the Week

What a great vacation I had. I make a point to tune out the world when I'm on Vacation but when I return I'm like a mad man with a mouse in my hand.

I log in only to see that poor Nicole Bobek, 1995 U.S. National Champ, is been arrested and charged with conspiracy to distribute Meth...tragic!

Even more tragic is this mugshot...scary!

Apparently, she was quite the big wig in this Northern Jersey drug ring. Bobek was arrested along with twenty other individuals involved in the drug about a crackdown!

Gosh, rewind back to her 1995 Nationals win. She was such a joy to watch on the ice, bouncing around with such eppervessance. My favorite performance is her 1997 U.S. Nationals Free Skate (seen below), nobody cared her jump content was watered down because it was still so good!

She always was a free spirit and a bit of a drama queen. How many coaches did she go through? Didn't she have plans to become a pairs skater? Did she ever perform a triple jump as a professional?

To be so talented and sink to such a low place...really I just pity her. Such unfulfilled possibility there.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

4th of July

To all of my friends here in the United States, Happy 4th of July! Have a safe and happy holiday!

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

For your reading pleasure...

I should be packing, but instead I'm surfing the net and watching old skating videos.

If you're an uuber-skating nerd such as myself here's a good read: 2010 U.S. Figure Skating Rulebook (edited today!).

It was brought to my attention when Armin Mahbanoozadeh tweeted his dislike of the bye rules in the rulebook. Under the stated rules Armin, per his 6th place Junior finish at last years Nationals, must qualify for U.S. Nationals unless he has international competition conflicts. Unfortunately for Armin, his two Senior Grand Prix assignments do not conflict with sectionals, thus the lack of a bye.

If I recall, up until this season, byes where awarded to the top six place finishers at Nationals, this season, only the top five from last year received byes.

Anywho...lots of other fun stuff to be found in there...take a peek.